Organisation for management of the Stara planina tourist region

The Balkan region covers the greater part of the Fore-Balkan and Stara planina without its Easternmost part and it includes the territories of 32 municipalities. Its marking can be easily traced as it follows the natural unfolding of the mountain, which divides the country into North and South. Stara planina is also referred as "the Balkan" and is 530 km long. The tourist regions that extends along it enables unlimited diverse routes and marches. On its land, there are multiple natural parks, protected areas and one national park. It is among the biggest centres of endemic species. 81 huts have been built there. The natural features show that the recreation tourism has high and additionally expanded potential, and the places for rural tourism complete wonderfully with the pedestrian tourism. Stara Planina offers conditions for practising different types of vacation tourism – pedestrian (winter and summer); on the ridge areas – mountain cycling, ski tourism, alpinism – mainly on the rocky vertical levels of Botev Mount and Severen Dzhendem, ice climbing, canyoning in Yuzhen Dzhendem, orientation – there are excellent conditions for orientation in the Fore-Balkan. The Balkan tourist region has very big potential as it combines rich cultural and historical and architectural heritage, natural sights and diversity, unique Bulgarian traditions, customs, crafts, folks feasts, national and international festivals.