Yaylata National Archaeological Reserve: prehistoric, ancient and medieval structures in the Yaylata region, Dobrich municipality

Yaylata is a national archaeological reserve in the Province of Dobrich. It is located 2km south of Kamen Bryag and 18km northeast of Kavarna. It is a seaside terrace with an area of 300 decares, separated from the sea by 50 - 60 m high cliffs. The area is declared an archaeological reserve for the preservation of protected species of plants and animals and their habitats. Here is a cave "town" of 101 dwellings dating back as early as the 5th millennium BC. Three necropolises (family tombs) from the 3rd - 5th centuries are carved into the cliffs. In the northern part of the Big Yaila is a small early Byzantine fortress built at the end of the 5th century. Four towers and a gate tower are partially preserved. A sanctuary, sacrificial stones, wine cellars, four dug tombs, etc. are also preserved from antiquity. In the Middle Ages the caves were used as a monastery complex. On the walls of some of them, there are Protobulgarian signs: runes, crosses and stone icons.