Radomir kavarma – pork with leeks and raw pickled peppers, cooked in a clay hotpot. Basted with eggs before taking out of the oven.
Shopska sparzha – fried pork (offal and streaked meat) with leeks and dried peppers pairs superbly with heavy red wine.
Breznik drob sarma – a large sarma stuffed with lamb offal, leeks, rice and spices, wrapped in membrane.
Shopski-style cheese – prepared in a clay pot using brined Bulgarian cheese, fresh tomato and pepper, egg and optionally a chili pepper.
Zelnik – rolled up or layered banitsa pastry, stuffed with green leafy vegetables – cabbage, spinach, dock.
Divotino lyutenitsa – dry peppers soaked in boiling water and crushed with leeks, vinegar and oil.
Botevgrad topenitsa – made with strained yogurt with added crumbled brined Bulgarian cheese. Chopped and peeled roasted peppers and 2 – 3 diced boiled eggs are added. Seasoned with crushed garlic and optionally black pepper, parsley, etc.
Shopska salad – the Shopska salad is not actually a traditional dish, but a product of the tourist industry. However, since the Shopluk takes a significant portion of the Sofia Tourist Region, it takes the name of this culinary masterpiece and we gladly appropriate it. It is prepared with fresh vegetables – tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, and grated brined Bulgarian cheese.
Typical food