
The Seven Rila Lakes are found in the Damga area of Northwest Rila and are situated from 2100 m to 2500 m above sea level. The names of the lakes are Salzata (the Tear), Okoto (the Eye), Babreka (the Kidney), Bliznaka (the Twin), Trilistnika (the Shamrock), Ribnoto (the Fish) and Dolnoto (the Lower), chosen due to their shape.

Musala Peak 

Musala is the highest peak not only in Bulgaria, but also on the entire Balkan Peninsula – 2925 m. It is located in the Rila National Park and its name can be translated as "The Road to God".

Maliovitsa peak

It is 2729 meters high. Although lower in height than Musala, Maliovitsa is no way inferior in terms of attendance by people who love beautiful natural views. It is located in Northwest Rila and rises between the valleys of the Malovishka River and the Udrina River. It consists almost entirely of granite. The peak can be reached by different routes.

Kostenski Waterfall 

Kostenski Waterfall is located along the course of the Stara Reka River. Its height is 12 meters. In close proximity there are warm mineral springs and places for picnics.

The Black Lake 

The Black Lake, or Kara Gyol, is located in the central part of Rila, west of the Stinky Lakes. It is considered one of the most inaccessible lakes in the mountains. It was formed in a hanging valley and its area is around and over 4.8 ha. It reveals a wonderful panoramic view.

The Stob Pyramids 

They are located in the western part of the Rila Mountains, above Stob village. Situated at about 700 meters above sea level, the pyramids themselves reach 10-12 m in height. They can be viewed as a phenomenon because of their formation as a result of rain water flowing down on rocks and soil. The path that leads to the pyramids is well maintained, there are markings, signs and benches for recreation.

The Sanctuary under Tsarev Vrah 

It is located at about 2200 m above sea level, on the ridge of Rila, and is a megalithic sanctuary with unusually arranged stones of various shapes. Legend has it that it was here that King Peter I spoke with St. Ivan of Rila. It is also believed that this sanctuary was established before the Rila Monastery. After seeing this landmark, you can also go to Tsarev Peak, located at a height of 2378 m. From there, you can see the Malyovitsa area, Predela and Northern Pirin.

Urdini Lakes

They are six in number and are positioned in a cirque adjacent to the Seven Rila Lakes. Their names are Suhoto (the Dry), Ribnoto (the Fish), Triagalnoto (the Triangle), Udavnika (the Drowned Man), Golyamata Panitsa (the Big Bowl), Malkata Panitsa (the Small Bowl). Some of the lakes have crystal clear waters, while others are with a greenish colour.