Rila National Park

Rila National Park is the largest of the three national parks in Bulgaria. These territories were declared a national park on 24 February 1992. The Park covers an area of over 81,000 ha in the central and highest parts of the Rila Mountains. It was established with the purpose of protecting several separate ecosystems, as well as various historical and cultural sites of national importance. One of the longest and full-flowing rivers on the Balkan Peninsula, Maritsa, starts its journey from this place. The Park is situated 800 m to 2925 m above sea level and has 120 natural lakes, most of them of glacial origin.

Rila National Park extends from 41°53´ to 42°19´ north latitude and from 23°07´ to 23°55´ east longitude. The highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula, Musala, is found on the territory of the park.

There are four Bulgarian reserves in the park – Parangalitsa, Central Rila Reserve, Ibar and Skakavitsa. Rila National Park is one of the largest protected areas in Europe. Its two reserves, Parangalitsa and Marichini Ezera, are part of the world network of biosphere reserves under the UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere Programme.