The Pirin lakes

The Pirin lakes are 176 in number and can be found at the bottoms and terraces of the numerous cirques. About 35 lakes are temporary and dry up in the summer. All the lakes are located in Northern Pirin and bear the names of the respective cirques – Sinivrashki Lakes, Banderishki Lakes, Vlahinski Lakes, etc. There are also single lakes – Salzitsa (Dautovo Lake), Disilitsa, Manenko and others. The total area of all the lakes is 18,000 acres. The biggest and deepest lake is the Popovoto Lake, it has an area of 123.6 decares and a depth of 29.5 meters. The highest is the Gornoto Polezhansko Lake, 2710 m. The Pirin lakes give the mountain its specific charm that attracts tourists from all over Europe and the world.