The protected Area of Irakli

With an area of 42.3 hectares, part of the Irakli area has been declared as protected to preserve the typical coastal habitats of rare and endangered plant species, listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria and protected by the Biodiversity Act. They include the sand lily /Pancratium maritimum/, the sea-rush /Stachys maritima/, the sand milkwort /Euphorbia peplis/, the Tatar milkwort /Lactuca tatarica L./, the sea fan /Eryngium maritimum L./, the Pontic buckthorn /Fritillaria pontica/ and many bird species. The beach of Irakli falls in the immediate vicinity of the protected area of the same name. The area is visited mainly by young people and families with children who prefer to be away from the commercial Black Sea resorts so they could interact directly with the wildlife. The beach is clean and wide, bordering the eastern slopes of the Balkan Mountains, where shady camps for tents, hammocks and separate fireplaces are located. There is no infrastructure at all.