The mouth of Ropotamo river

The mouth of Ropotamo river, the sand dunes of Arcutino, the water lilies and the Lion's Head stone formation

The river, with an approximate length of about 50 km, is also a home to numerous endangered animal and plant species. In addition to mammals (red deer, roe deer, mouflons, otters and others), it is estimated that around 226 species of birds can be observed in the reserve. Of these, 8 species are globally threatened and 70 are listed in the Red Data Book of Bulgaria. 

The rock formation “Lion's Head” was declared a phenomenon in 1947. The natural landmark is an accumulation of numerous large pieces of rock that form an image in the profile of a lion's head and have probably challenged and inspired human imagination since Antiquity. Most people associate a visit to the natural phenomenon only with a boat trip along the river that surrounds the foot of the phenomenon. The legend about the immeasurable treasure of Valchan Voyvoda hidden in this area is interesting.