The Antique Dome Tomb, Pomorie

The unique tomb is located under a mound, 5 km west of Pomorie. The access to the tomb is easy and convenient for tourists. It dates back to the 2nd - 4th century AD. It is believed to have served as a cheron (mausoleum) of a wealthy Anchialan family, where religious pagan rituals were performed. It was built in the Roman era. The tomb consists of a corridor (dromos) 22 m long and a circular chamber 11.60 m in diameter and 5.50 m high. It was built of stone and brick. The tomb has a semi-cylindrical vault, in the centre of which there is a hollow column with a diameter of 3.30 m, which extends upwards and merges with the outer wall. On the inner wall of the hollow column there was a spiral stone staircase leading to the surface of the mound. Along the circumferential wall of the tomb, there were five niches in which the urns of the deceased were placed.