Cycling Routes

1. Village Stoilovo – the locality of Thracian camp – the locality of Petrova Niva – village Zvezdets – cycling route

Length - 24 km. From the village of Stoilovo along a forest road, successively passing by the chapels of St. Iliya, of St. Trinity and of St. Mary, you reach the locality of Thracian Camp, with a rest stop of the same name. From there, again along a forest road, you reach the locality of Petrova Niva. Here the route turns into a paved road to the village of Zvezdets, passing by the Veleka protected area. The locality of Parnarat offers a fascinating view of the meanders of the Veleka river and the evergreen Mediterranean vegetation. After about 6 km, you reach the locality of Cheshmenski polyani, where you can rest in a tourist shelter equipped with a fountain, a fireplace and a bathroom. After a short rest, the route passes by the village mounds in the locality of Mahmutyovo, the Gospodyovo Manastirche and St. Petka chapels and it enters the village of Zvezdets. 

2. Village Mladezhko - along Mladezhka river - main road Burgas - Malko Tarnovo - locality of Thracian Camp - Stoilovo village - Brashlyan village - cycling route

Length of the route – 45 km. It starts from the village of Mladezhko. Beforehand you can visit the picturesque springs of the Mladezhka river. They are located above the village in a rocky canyon, among centuries-old hornbeam forest. The first part of the route follows an asphalt stretch that joins the main road Burgas - Malko Tarnovo. After reaching the junction, continue in the direction of Burgas for about 400 m. A gravel road starts from the first turnoff on the right and winds along the Mladezhka river. Some of the bridges have collapsed and you can wade in the river. It is shallow, barely reaching knee deep, the water is pleasantly warm and calm. The ride is pleasant, with a moderate downward inclination. The valley widens, at times the road split, and you must always follow the direction of the river. The road reaches the foot of Petrova Niva in the Thracian Camp locality, where is the confluence of the Mladezhka and Veleka river. From there, across the river, after a steep climb, you will reach the village of Stoilovo. After a pleasant leisure in the village pubs and a visit to the basketmaker's workshop, at the opposite end of the village you take the dirt road to the village of Brashlyan. After about 6 km you exit again on the road Burgas - Malko Tarnovo in the direction to Burgas. A kilometer further you turn left on a gravel road that leads to the village chapel of St. Panteleymon. From there, on the right through a beech forest, you reach the village of Brashlyan itself.